Privacy Policy

The information below provides details about our privacy policy and we ask that you take the time to read it. is a site by Mont Digital Limited. additionally alluded to as (“We”, “Us”) situated at Chiltern House Business Center, 64 High Street, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7JT.

We know your security is of most extreme significance to you, this is the reason we are focused on ensuring and regarding your protection. This arrangement (together with our terms of utilization and whatever other records alluded to on it) sets out the premise on which any individual information we gather from you, or that you give to us, will be prepared by us. If you don’t mind read the accompanying painstakingly to comprehend our perspectives and works on in regards to your own information and how we will treat it. By going by you are tolerating and consenting to the practices depicted in this approach.


We may gather and process the accompanying information about you:

Data you give us. You may give us data about you by joining to our mailing list, comparing with us by telephone, email or something else. This incorporates data you give when you report an issue with our site. The data you give us may incorporate your name, address, email address and telephone number, or whatever other data you give us.

Concerning each of your visits to our site we may naturally gather the accompanying data - 

Information about your visit (which we may get from Google Analytics), including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our webpage (counting date and time); items you saw or hunt down; page reaction times, download mistakes, length of visits to specific pages, page association data, (for example, looking over, snaps, and mouse-overs), and strategies used to peruse far from the page and any telephone number used to call our client benefit number.
Geolocation information for motivations behind offering important substance, including content from close-by part stations. Geolocation information comprises of general area data in light of scope and longitude (if the client has empowered area administrations for an application on the client’s cell phone), or in view of the IP address of the client’s PC or cell phone;
Technical data, including the Internet convention (IP) deliver used to associate your PC to the Internet, program sort and form, time zone setting, program module sorts and forms, working framework and stage;

We may get data about you in the event that you utilize any of alternate administrations we give. We may likewise get data about you from any outsiders that we work with in the event that you have given your data to them.


Our site utilizes cookies to recognize you from different clients of our site. This encourages us to furnish you with a decent affair when you peruse our site and furthermore enables us to enhance our site. By proceeding to peruse the site, you are consenting to our utilization of cookies. A cookie is a little document of letters and numbers that we store on your program or the hard drive of your PC on the off chance that you concur. Cookies contain data that is exchanged to your PC’s hard drive. If it’s not too much trouble take note of that outsiders (counting, for instance, promoting systems and suppliers of outer administrations like web movement examination administrations) may likewise utilize cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are probably going to be logical/execution cookies or focusing on cookies. You piece cookies by initiating the setting on your program that enables you to decline the setting of all or a few cookies. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you utilize your program settings to obstruct all (counting basic cookies) you will be unable to get to all or parts of our site. Extra cookies as required will be added every once in a while and this segment will be refreshed likewise.


We utilize data held about you in the accompanying ways:

Data you provide for us

Where you post material on our webpage, we show this material on our webpage as per our site terms of utilization;
To complete our commitments emerging from any agreements gone into amongst you and us and to give you the data that you ask for from us;
Where you have joined to our mailing list, to send you particular data about occasions that might bear some significance with you, in view of your inclinations shown at the purpose of joining;

As part of our endeavours to keep our site protected and secure;
To enhance our site to guarantee that substance is introduced in the best way for you and for your PC;
To manage our site and for inside operations, including investigating, information examination, testing, inquire about, factual and review purposes;

We may join this data with the data you provide for us and the data we gather about you. We may use this data and the consolidated data for the reasons set out above (contingent upon the sorts of data we get).


We may impart your data to chosen outsiders including:

Analytics and web search tool suppliers that help us in the change and improvement of our webpage.
Business accomplices, providers and sub-contractual workers for the execution of any agreement we go into with you.
We may likewise uncover your own data to outsiders, on the off chance that we are under an obligation to unveil or share your own information keeping in mind the end goal to follow any legitimate commitment, or with a specific end goal to implement or apply our terms of utilization or whatever other understandings; or to secure our rights, property, or wellbeing (or those of others).

The information that we gather from you might be exchanged to, and put away at, a goal outside of the United Kingdom. It might likewise be prepared by staff working outside of the United Kingdom who work for us or for one of our providers. Such staff perhaps occupied with, in addition to other things, the satisfaction of your request, the handling of your installment points of interest and the arrangement of help administrations. By utilizing our site and presenting any individual information, you consent to this exchange, putting away or handling. We will make all strides sensibly important to guarantee that your information is dealt with safely and as per this protection strategy.

Nonetheless, the transmission of data through the web is not totally secure. In spite of the fact that we will do our best to ensure your own information, we can’t ensure the security of your information transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own particular hazard. When we have gotten your data, we will utilize strict systems and security elements to attempt to counteract unapproved get to.


You have the privilege to request that we do not handle your own information for promoting purposes. We will normally inform you (before gathering your information) on the off chance that we mean to utilize your information for such purposes or in the event that we plan to uncover your data to any outsider for such purposes. You can practice your entitlement to forestall such preparing by checking certain crates on the structures we use to gather your information. You can likewise practice the comfortable time by reaching us at info (@)

Our webpage may, every once in a while, contain connections to and from the sites of our accomplice systems, sponsors and subsidiaries. On the off chance that you take after a connection to any of these sites, please take note of that these sites have their own security approaches and that we don’t acknowledge any obligation or risk for these arrangements. It would be ideal if you check these approaches before you present any individual information to these sites.


The Privacy Act gives you the privilege to get to data held about you. Your privilege of get to can be practiced as per the Act.


Any progressions we may make to our protection arrangement later on will be posted on this page with the change date and, where fitting, told to you by email. It would be ideal if you return as often as possible to perceive any updates or changes to our security arrangement.


In the event that you have demands, remarks and inquiries with respect to this security arrangement, you can send utilize an email and it ought to be routed to info (@) You can likewise get in touch with us through our contact address and business portable number underneath.

Mont Digital Limited

Chiltern House Business Center
64 High Street

Tel Number: +44 (0)1628 397 590

Email: info (@)